Monday, October 14, 2024

King Ubu

Alfred Jarry

 Translated by: Zoltán Jékely




Papa Ubu – Ervin Pálfi

Mama Ubu – Mónika Pesitz

Captain Bordure, Bear – Tamás Hajdú (Endre Mácsai)

King Wenceslas, Freud – Andor Kovács Nemes

Queen Rosemonde, Judges – Zsuzsa Kalmár

Boggerlas, the Opposition – Csaba Ralbovszki

Boleslas, Nobles, Scene – Csilla Pámer

Ladislas, the Ghost of Matthias, Stanislas Leczinsky – Nándor Szilágyi

The Russian Czar, Notary Valika – Natália Vicei

Giron, Phynancier – Attila Baráth

Cotice, Ministries – Attila Szőke

Musicians: Géza Kucsera, Jr. and János Ábrahám

As well as: Soldiers, Crowds, Peasants, Fartscanner, Councilors, Soldiers, Victuallers, Papa Ubu’s horse, The Whole Polish Army, The Russian, Palotins, Miklós Renszky etc.

The script was adapted by: Rozália Brestyánszki Boros, András Dömötör, Péter Kókai, Zsolt Máthé, Ervin Pálfi, Greaseman, and the members of the company


Composer: Géza Kucsera, Jr.

Set designers: András Dömötör and Nándor zilágyi

Costume designer: Eszter Kálmán

Special props: Saša Senković

Lighting design: Attila Úri

Répétiteur: Anita Nemes Nagy

Stage choreographer: Margaréta Táborosi

Dramaturge: Rozália Brestyánszki Boros

Assistant director: Valéria Kocsis

Prompter and stage manager: Szilvia Úri


Director: András Dömötör


The fourth premiere of the Hungarian Company of the National Theatre in Subotica in the season 2012/2013.

Premiere: May 17th, 2013

