Sunday, January 26, 2025

Hyppolit, the Butler

Zagon - Nóti - Eisemann







Hyppolit Andor Kovács Nemes / Figyes Kovács
Schneider Mátyás Árpád Csernik
Aranka Mónika Pesitz
Terka Kriszta Vágó
Nagy András Csaba Ralbovszki
Makáts consultor Attila Mess
Makáts Csaba Béla Kálló
Mimi Zsuzsa Kalmár
Julcsa Katalin Sziráczky
Tóbiás Nándor Szilágyi
Konferansie Ervin Pálfi / Andor Kovács Nemes
Orchestra Ferenc Katkó
  Andor Kovács Nemes
  Géza Kucsera jr.
  Csaba Kucsera
  Mátyás Lakatos
  Attila Szőke
Díszletterv Nándor Szilágyi
Costumes Andrea Ledenyák
Choreography László Bóbis
Korrepetition Anita Nemes Nagy
Musical koordination Géza Kucsera jr.
Assistent Zsuzsa Sinkovics, Szabina Kovács
Prompter / Stage-manager Zsuzsa Sinkovics
Directed by
Zoltán Megyeri


Opening night: az the “Jadran” Stage on 05th jan., 2011.


Once upon a time, there was a couple: a carrier and his wife. Due to a stroke of good luck, a huge fortune befell them overnight. Then said the wife to the husband of hers: let us hire a butler!

Despite the fact that the eighty-year-old motion picture does not match the technical standards of our time, owing to its genuine humorous qualities it can compete any contemporary comedic film! Hyppolit, the Butler was the second ever produced Hungarian sound-film –  being at the same time one of the most laughsome masterpieces in film history!

Katalin Vajda and Anikó Vajda adapted to theatrical stage the original screenplay written by István Zágon and Károly Nóti.

This performance – quite like the film – offers us the pleasure to enjoy many songs of permanent value composed by Mihály Eisemann.

